Sunday, March 24, 2013

Daughters of Sara: The Light Of Jesus

Daughters of Sara: The Light Of Jesus: Jesus never promised us a tomorrow, He only gives us today. We are commanded by Christ to go out  and spread God's word. Mark 16...

The Light Of Jesus

Jesus never promised us a tomorrow, He only gives us today. We are commanded by Christ to go out  and spread God's word. Mark 16:15   And he said to them, ‘Go into all the world and proclaim the good news* to the whole creation. Jesus is the Light of the world, and if He is residing in our hearts and lives then, His Light is shining thru for all to see. And His light ALWAYS penetrates the dark.
                                                                    Seven months ago I was introduced to a man who had just lost his wife of 20 years. He was taking her loss very hard so I invited him to dinner, We became fast friends. Over the course of several months I got to know him very well and realized, he not only was missing his wife, but was missing something else. Jesus..He was in a deep depression. When we would get together for dinner or just for him to talk, he would comment on the light in my eyes, and I would say." That's Jesus your seeing". One weekend I asked him to go to church with me, it just happened to be his birthday that Sunday, and he happily said yes. Well not only was he born on October 21, he was Reborn on October 21. He gave his life to Jesus  that day. He walked out of that church a new man in Christ. John 8:12  Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, "I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won't have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life."
                                                                    He didn't know what that light he saw in me was, but he wanted it. He knew it would change his life. And it did. When he got to his sisters house that day for his party, his whole family asked him why was he shining so bright? He finally knew the answer to that question. He had Jesus's light. He was a member of the Family of God. And he now had eternal life in heaven with our Father.  I John 1:7 "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the
light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus
Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin."

                                                                    It's been alittle over seven months that we'd been friends, and a couple days ago my friend was killed in a car accident. I mourn my friend, but I rejoice at the fact that he is in heaven with Christ. All because He saw the light of Jesus shine in me. He now has eternal life.
                                                                    Don't take one moment for granted, share Jesus's light with everyone you meet. YOU may be their only chance for them to see the Light of Jesus. John 10:28  I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.
                                                                    Be the light in someones darkness, share the Light of Christ with them. It may be a smile, a loving word of incouragement, it may even be a testamony. Just to let them know you've climbed that same mountain and over came it. But just remember it may be your last chance. Don't let it pass you by. Jesus said the time to do the Fathers will is now.
                                                                      I miss my friend more than words can say. But I have the reassurance that I will one day see him in heaven. He is with Jesus. Thank you Lord for letting your light shine thru  to save one of your children. Thank you for using me to save my friend.
                                                                 Be the Light for all to see, Be that light to set them free.

This is dedicated to William "Billy" Dees
Reborn on October 21, 2012
Went to meet our Lord on March 20, 2013
You were a blessing to me my friend and I will miss you dearly!